Restaurants in New Bedford, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Fall River

There are menus and discount coupons for all of the restaurants mentioned here.

You can also play menu trivia games and be eligible to win FREE Gift Certificates.

These links let you browse menus for restaurants and businesses, enjoy 10% to 50% discounts ofSpaghettif the face value of Gift Certificates, and enjoy an additional discount savings with coupons!

You can browse the menu for all kinds of food to eat: Italian, is one of my other favorites.
Check the menus here before you get in the car.

Portuguese flag

Portuguese restaurants
have a habit of giving you enough food to feed a small army, and it's great food.
See some menus

My neighbors love pizza, and they eat it about once or twice a week.
They save money by using coupons, getting discounts, and seeing menus here.


is my wife's favorite. It's hard to get her out of the kitchen, but she will always want to go out for the freshest seafood from New Bedfords own fleet. She likes the coupons and menus because she is very frugal.

Chinese food

Chinese food and now even Japanese food
is becoming the "All American" dinner. Why spend money on gas to look at a menu? Why pay full price for a meal or take out? I don't. Click here for the menus and savings.


Family dining is a nice way to have an evening out and not have to get a baby sitter. Save money on gas by checking menus first here and maybe save a few bucks with a coupon click here.

Burger and fries

Time for a simple burger and fries. No problem here. Save money and gas by clicking here.

Delivery vanAre you looking for delivery?

If you like Chinese food or Pizza or American food, there are several restaurants that deliver in the greater New Bedford Area.
Click here for a list and address as well as phone number!


I love to go out to breakfast in a cozy restaurant. What a nice way to start the day. Check here for menus and savings.

Steak dinner
Do you like to go out to a nice restaurant and still not go broke?
I do, and I like steak and beef.
Here is a list of places to go and you can get excellent steak and beef and save money to boot!. Click here


Non food items
Here are some interesting listings for non-food items

The Author - Roger Chartier
